
Carrie Smith

Carrie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a BSc of Science in Physical Therapy in London, Ontario. Originally from Georgetown, Carrie founded the clinic in 1996, here in Kemptville. Her passion is treating dogs at our animal rehab clinic and these days, she prefers four-legged patients to two-legged ones! You always know when Carrie is close by as her infectious laugh can be heard across the entire clinic! Carrie has accomplished many things during her career as a physiotherapist, some of the highlights include working with the Canadian Women's Olympic Hockey Team in 1998, going to World Cup with the Men’s National Rugby team in 2011 and spending many hours bandaging up local athletes along the way. When she’s not at work, you can find her on a travel adventure somewhere around the world. Fun fact about Carrie: she has ridden both an elephant and an ostrich!